These are casual summaries, notes about, and in some cases critiques of papers that I’ve read or used in different contexts. They’re not organized, they vary is structure and quality, and they’re probably not of use to anyone.
2023-09-20 OWL: Compositional Verification of Security Protocols via an Information-Flow Type System; 2023
2022-10-21 Fuzzy Message Detection; 2021
2022-02-26 Field Study of Smartphone (Un) Locking Behavior and Risk Perception
2022-02-24 Vuvuzela: Scalable Private Messaging Resistant to Traffic Analysis
2022-02-16 Iconography for key-fingerprint comparison
2022-01-30 Users are not the enemy; 1999
2022-01-30 Privacy is not for me; 2018
2022-01-30 The Motivated Can Encrypt; PGP in 2021
2021-02-28 MOTIF: Cheap branching in GMW
2021-02-26 Searcing for neural architecture via morphism hill climbing;
2021-02-08 Learning Transferable Graph Exploration
2021-02-03 Precomputing Oblivious Transfer; Donald Beaver; 1995
2021-01-29 Symphony; David Darais, David Heath, Ryan Estes, William Harris, and Michael Hicks
2021-01-25 Half Gates; Samee Zahur, Mike Rosulek, and David Evans
2021-01-24 Wysteria; Aseem Rastogi, Matthew Hammer, and Michael Hicks; 2014
2021-01-19 Stacked Garbling; David Heath and Vladimir Kolesnikov; 2020