Irving Street Functionality

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posted 24 Jan, 2021

Wysteria; Aseem Rastogi, Matthew Hammer, and Michael Hicks; 2014

author Rastogi, Aseem and Hammer, Matthew A. and Hicks, Michael
title Wysteria: A Programming Language for Generic, Mixed-Mode Multiparty Computations
howpublished SP '14 Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
year 2014
month May
isbn 978-1-4799-4686-0
where University of Maryland, College Park

I’m not going to be able to do this justice in one pass. On the other hand, it doesn’t seem like this paper introduces any significant theoretical advancements. Rather, this is a substantially better than previous compiler for the GMW protocol.


The GMW protocol (Goldreich,Micali, and Wigderson) is a circuit-based protocol for n-party MPC. Wire values are represented in cipher-space as Shamier shares.

Assuming (as is typical) that the circuit is a boolean circuit, NOT and XOR can be performed without communication. Other gates can be performed using oblivious transfer: “I know what my share would be for each of your possible shares, so I’ll OT to you the one that corresponds to the shares you actually do have.” (How does that part translate to n parties?)

Mixed-mode computation

The biggest contribution of this paper/language is that it’s a single language that expresses and compiles to mixed-mode computations. A mixed-mode computation is just one that has MPC and parallel un-encrypted steps interleaved. The un-encrypted sections are called “parallel” because they’re typically performed by several parties (e.g. all the parties) at once in parallel; everyone arrives at the same result/continuation deterministically. Previously MPC implementations left this interleaving mostly manual, which meant the correctness of that aspect of one’s program needed to be checked by hand. Wysteria annotates values/computations with “mode” attributes, and checks rules about the contexts in which any given mode is allowed.


Wysteria really has two “implementations”, which can be proven to be equivalent. The one intended for actual use compiles down to the needed collection of parallel-step machine code MPC circuits (there’s a whole client/server architecture to actually run these programs). The other implementation let’s one imagine the system as a monolithic single-threaded computation; this is easier to think through the behavior of, and one can rely on the provided equivalence proofs.